+48 692 431 677 jacek.pracz@adwokatura.pl

We offer comprehensive legal services with respect to:

  • criminal proceedings;
  • proceedings regarding fiscal offences and crimes;
  • proceedings regarding offences;
  • disciplinary proceedings.
  • as industrial property rights;
  • under the Fiscal Offences Act.

We provides comprehensive services by representing clients both during the preparatory proceedings and court trials. We have often represented nationals of other countries and foreign entities before Polish authorities and courts of law. In that regard, we specialize in particular in:

  • defending the suspect and the accused;
  • acting as the representative of the complainer;
  • acting as the representative of the subsidiary prosecutor;
  • acting as the representative of the private prosecutor;
  • acting as the representative of the claimant in a criminal trial;
  • drawing all types of writs and pleadings during the proceedings;
  • participation in all judicial acts before all courts of law (including the Supreme Court) and all authorities (including the prosecutor’s office, the police).